
Weddings & Social | Rates

Wedding & Social Event Room Rates
The room rates are presented below.

Weekday Evening Event (8 hours) Evening Rates
  Low Season Mid Season High Season
Monday - Wednesday please call please call please call
Thursday please call please call please call
Weekend Evening Event (8 ½ hours) Evening Rates
  Low Season Mid Season High Season
Friday (8 hours) $3,600 $4,600 $5,600
Saturday (8 ½ hours) $4,700 $6,700 $7,700
Sunday (8 ½ hours) $3,600 $4,600 $5,600

High Season is: June, September, October and December.
Mid Season is: April, May, July, August and November.
Low Season is: January, February, and March.
  • A variety of tables, chairs, dance floor, parking lot, sound system, and Facility Manager(s) are included in room rate.

  • Additional hours of event time are $900 per hour.

  • Friday and Saturday Evening Events in December are increased by 10%.

  • Half hour ceremony rehearsals can be scheduled one day prior to the ceremony for $450.

  • For weekends where Monday is a holiday, the Sunday rates are the same as the Saturday rates.

  • Special arrangements and rates apply for rentals on the Fourth of July and New Years Eve.

  • A $200 per hour additional load-in/load-out fee (moving fee) is charged for bringing in furniture, trees, a dance floor or props from a third party vendor.

  • Discounts for small groups are available for Monday through Thursday evenings.

Prices as of 08/03/2015.

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